Anything is possible

Painted A to Z
Painted A to Z is all about the possibilities of colors, shapes, sizes, materials, designs and imagination for all ages. Every letter and animal is inspired by the beauty of nature. I t all started wit ha pencil drawing, shaded with grey, added color and that is the beginning

In Sept 2019 I began painting turtles for my grandchildren. One painted animal became a book called“Painted Animals A to Z”. My friend read the book to her 4 & 5 yr old sons. They had very different reactions. The 5 yr old drew his own pictures in the book, went back to change them & added to them. The 4 yr old drew on paper instead so as not to be influenced by his older brother. Both boys drew animals which were not painted in the book. My friend said " The book got both of my boys creative juices flowing in very differentways. I had no idea they could draw those animals.I enjoyed the book as much as they did. Barb, each child inevery family needs one of your books. If my younger boy had read it with his big brother he wouldn't have thought of drawing his very own animals. He would have copied his older brothers drawings"
During 2021 I painted A to Z on felt with acrylics. The pictures were printed into a book. Many provocative, personal, creative questions and short stories for both children and parents are. posed for interesting conversations. There are inside / outside art projects and an interpretive elephant dance for everyone .
This A to Z is a book for kids ages 1 to 10 and beyond. Some of the questions are good for everyone to think about. When I read this book to our 18 month granddaughter she loved the pictures and the painted pots of colors on the back cover. The questions & stories are thought provoking for older kids. I hope the questions will create unexpected conversations between readers & listeners I would have loved a book like this that asks questions to read to our young kids. Questions in a book are very good for inquiring minds.

PAINTED A TO Z - Letters, Words, phrases and pictures
The third installment of the painted A to Z books

One thing leads to another. The images from the book leapt off the page and on to a sweater.